Custom Framed Tweet - Black Minimalist Frame - Bingkai Twit


Elevate Your Favorite Tweets & Lyrics with Beautiful Framed Art

Turn your favorite tweets or lyrics into elegant framed art pieces that can be proudly displayed on your wall. Explore our wide range of frame designs and customize your order to create a unique masterpiece.

Frame a Tweet or Lyrics Today


Unforgettable Gifts for Every Occasion

Looking for a one-of-a-kind gift? Our framed tweet/lyrics art pieces make for memorable presents that capture the essence of a special moment. Browse our collection and surprise your loved ones today

Frame a Tweet or Lyrics Today

Framing Tweets & Lyrics That Echo Every Sentiment

Discover the art of framing tweets & lyrics with BingkaiTwit. Our vibrant prints and tailored frames complement your aesthetic, ensuring that every sentiment and memory is beautifully showcased.

Frame a Tweet or Lyrics
  • Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Our framed tweets & lyrics are meticulously crafted, ensuring longevity and sophistication.

    About Us 
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    Not elated? We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.

    Win-win 60-day Money Back Guarantee 
  • Expert Framing Since 1990s

    Our skilled team of framing artisans has been passionately transforming your cherished moments into timeless pieces, from classic photographs and paintings, and now, to the trend of unique framed tweets.

    About Us 


Frequently Asked Questions

How did you come up with this "framed tweet & lyrics" idea?

One time, while scrolling through the timeline, we stumbled upon a particularly amusing tweet and thought, "Oh, I wish I could hang this on my wall, that would be funny." That's when the idea struck us.

The concept of 'framed lyrics' spontaneously emerged after we had conceived the idea of 'framed tweets' and found it to be quite appealing. Given our passion for music, it just clicked!

If you're still curious about what we do and how we operate, you can read more about us here: BingkaiTwit's Lore

So, let's say, if I want to frame a Taylor Swift tweet/lyrics, I can ask you for a custom?

Absolutely! You can ask us to frame any tweet/lyrics you want and we will frame it for you. What we can't do is frame a tweet that contains a video because, well, it's moving (sorry, we're not that advanced 😔) and tweet replies. For lyrics, as long as the song's lyrics feature is available on Spotify.

If you want a custom framed tweet, just send us the link of the tweet you want to be framed and we will work on it.

For framed lyrics, send us the link to the song you choose and then provide us with the specific lyrics you would like us to frame.

To order a custom framed tweet/lyrics, click here: BingkaiTwit's Custom Framed Tweet & Lyrics

Interesting. So, how long will it take for my framed tweet/lyrics to arrive?

Expect your package to arrive in 3-5 business days if you live in Indonesia and 7-9 business days if you live outside Indonesia and it will be yours!

Is it easy to hang or prop?


One last important question. If I don't like my framed tweet/lyrics, can I ask for a refund?

Yeah, sure! You can ask for a refund if you don't like your framed tweet/lyrics. You can also ask for a refund if it's damaged or if we got your order wrong.

For our refund policy, you can read more here: BingkaiTwit's Refund Policy

Have a great day and frame a tweet or lyrics today!