Mengubah Tweet Menjadi Seni Dinding yang Tak Lekang oleh Waktu
Ubah tweet favorit Anda menjadi karya seni bingkai yang elegan yang menambahkan sentuhan kepribadian pada dekorasi rumah Anda.
Ubah Tweet Anda Menjadi Karya Seni Bingkai yang Memukau
Ubah tweet favorit Anda menjadi karya seni bingkai yang elegan yang dapat dipajang dengan bangga di dinding Anda. Jelajahi berbagai desain bingkai kami dan sesuaikan pesanan Anda untuk menciptakan mahakarya yang unik.
Hadiah Tak Terlupakan untuk Setiap Momen
Mencari hadiah yang unik? Bingkai tweet kami dapat menjadi hadiah yang berkesan yang menangkap esensi dari sebuah momen spesial. Telusuri koleksi kami dan kejutkan orang terkasih Anda hari ini.
Tokoh Sejarah
Abadikan kebijaksanaan tokoh sejarah dalam bingkai yang abadi (mungkin dari akun bot Twitter mereka, karena dulu belum ada Twitter saat tokoh-tokoh ini hidup).
Membingkai Tweet yang Menggema di Setiap Sentimen
Temukan seni membingkai tweet dengan BingkaiTwit. Cetakan kami yang cerah dan bingkai yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda melengkapi estetika Anda, memastikan setiap sentimen dan kenangan ditampilkan dengan indah.
Let customers speak for us
from 4 reviewsThis framed tweet of Barack Obama is an incredible addition to my office. It’s both inspiring and elegant. The message resonates deeply, and I appreciate having it as part of my daily environment. The craftsmanship of the frame is impressive too!
Absolutely love this piece! It’s a constant reminder of unity and equality. The quality of the frame and the clarity of the print are top-notch. I’ve hung it in my living room, and it’s definitely a conversation starter!
Absolutely love this piece! It’s a constant reminder of unity and equality. The quality of the frame and the clarity of the print are top-notch. I’ve hung it in my living room, and it’s definitely a conversation starter!
I ordered a custom-framed lyrics piece for myself, and it turned out great. I love its simple appearance; it's exactly what I was looking for, adding a modern touch to my room. I can now have my favorite Paramore song hung on my bedroom wall (yes, I know in the picture it's not being hung, but I WILL hang it), thanks to BingkaiTwit! 👍
Kualitas dan Kepuasan Terjamin
Tentang KamiBingkai kami dibuat dengan teliti, memastikan ketahanan dan keanggunan.
Garansi Uang Kembali 60 Hari
Garansi Uang Kembali 60 Hari Win-winTidak puas? Kami menawarkan garansi uang kembali selama 60 hari.
Tim yang Berdedikasi Sejak 1990
Tentang KamiTim kami yang berdedikasi di sini untuk membimbing Anda di setiap langkahnya.
Frequently Asked Questions
How did you come up with this "framed tweet & lyrics" idea?
One time, while scrolling through the timeline, we stumbled upon a particularly amusing tweet and thought, "Oh, I wish I could hang this on my wall, that would be funny." That's when the idea struck us.
The concept of 'framed lyrics' spontaneously emerged after we had conceived the idea of 'framed tweets' and found it to be quite appealing. Given our passion for music, it just clicked!
If you're still curious about what we do and how we operate, you can read more about us here: BingkaiTwit's Lore
So, let's say, if I want to frame a Taylor Swift tweet/lyrics, I can ask you for a custom?
Absolutely! You can ask us to frame any tweet/lyrics you want and we will frame it for you. What we can't do is frame a tweet that contains a video because, well, it's moving (sorry, we're not that advanced 😔) and tweet replies. For lyrics, as long as the song's lyrics feature is available on Spotify.
If you want a custom framed tweet, just send us the link of the tweet you want to be framed and we will work on it.
For framed lyrics, send us the link to the song you choose and then provide us with the specific lyrics you would like us to frame.
To order a custom framed tweet/lyrics, click here: BingkaiTwit's Custom Framed Tweet & Lyrics
Interesting. So, how long will it take for my framed tweet/lyrics to arrive?
Expect your package to arrive in 3-5 business days if you live in Indonesia and 7-9 business days if you live outside Indonesia and it will be yours!
Is it easy to hang or prop?
One last important question. If I don't like my framed tweet/lyrics, can I ask for a refund?
Yeah, sure! You can ask for a refund if you don't like your framed tweet/lyrics. You can also ask for a refund if it's damaged or if we got your order wrong.
For our refund policy, you can read more here: BingkaiTwit's Refund Policy
Have a great day and frame a tweet or lyrics today!